The Six-Step Revision Process

Revise Your Novel from First Draft to Final

You wrote a novel. Congratulations! But don’t send that query letter or hit publish yet—revise so your novel is ready for prime time. Trying to tackle all the issues in your manuscript simultaneously is an exercise in frustration. The Six-Step Revision Process is a framework for revising your novel methodically to prevent unnecessary work.

You’ll read about:

  • The Big Chart – methods to capture your novel’s main plot and story structure
  • Work the Chart – identifying and addressing “big picture” issues
  • Add Depth – focus on setting, dialogue, and “show, don’t tell”
  • Get Feedback and Incorporate – work with critique partners and beta readers
  • Line Revisions – active voice and verbs, mechanics, and copyedits
  • Next Steps – multiple paths for publication

Each of the six steps includes productivity tools and links to downloadable resources to help authors self-edit logically and efficiently. This book is perfect for busy authors like you who want a writing resource you can read in an afternoon.

In her Concise Fiction Academy series, Miranda Darrow combines her experience as a freelance fiction editor and a corporate attorney to help authors cut through the clutter and get to the heart of crafting fiction. Each book in the series explores a specific topic and gives an executive summary of complex writing concepts, key recommendations, and sources for more information, all with a dash of humor.

Reviews:Despina Karras, author, #KissPitch mentor, and founder of the #PitchDis online pitch event. wrote:

“The Six-Step Revision Process is a wonderful resource for any author, whether they just finished their first book or their hundredth. It breaks the revision process down into a step-by-step process with small, bite-size pieces that help make revising a manuscript feel less intimidating and not nearly as complex. It also provides helpful charts and lists of other resources. And bonus—it’s a fun read. I plan to use the concepts learned here for my revisions and for anyone I mentor.”