I was selected as a winner for the RevPit contest in 2021. Working with my editor Miranda Darrow was amazing! Her editorial feedback made my manuscript stronger. She had a comprehensive developmental edit letter ready quickly and even created a scene by scene breakdown to help me seamlessly integrate flashbacks in the story. I landed an agent soon after I queried the polished manuscript. We sold The Night of the Storm to Dutton (an imprint of Penguin) at auction.
Miranda Darrow is a true professional. She beta-read and edited a manuscript for me and I was very pleased with her work. Her attention to detail and comprehensive understanding of my story helped me see my manuscript in a new light! Her feedback was insightful and right on the mark. She pointed out research pitfalls, plot inconsistencies and weaknesses (with suggestions to put a workable spin on those foibles), and pointed me in the right direction to streamline a slightly-jumbled storyline. The edit was thorough and accompanied by explanations and a style sheet to back up her work. Her turn-around time is quick, and yet her work shows a carefully-read understanding of my story. She delivered a detailed report that I was able to utilize to dive back into and polish my manuscript. And after the edit I felt as though the story had improved immensely. I highly recommend her services!
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